Helping Hands
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Helping Hands
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About Us

"LOCKDOWN".. the word gives mixed reactions across a mixed class of People. But for us, it opened our Humane Consciousness.

I was jobless, without a penny in my pocket but luckily I had a house to live in, food to eat.

But the thought of people having none of it made us realize that 'The Virus' has not just hit the health but snatched away the livelihood of the people.
I saw ppl walking miles with their kids & belongings on their shoulders weeping & vowing never to return again made us realize we have failed as humans.

As we were penny less feeding even 10 were out of our reach .. but the desire  of feeding atleast one person gave the thought of Each one feed one .. if I could feed one 10 of us can feed 10 .. 

With that hope n desire I asked my neighbours for help in feeding one person a day 40 families were more than happy n readily agreed to feed ... in a matter of few days .. Caterers ..Donors .. everyone came forward to Help us ..
From One Bare Hand ..we had 100s of Helping Hands ..
In 2020 April 23 to May  we fed 15000+ hungry souls .. distributed 1000s of Grocery kits n medicines to the most needy by the help of kind generous Helping Hands.

We realised if the intention is good and we have the will .. God Will always show us the way ... 

Second Wave : 
Life was getting back to normal for most of us .. None of us had dreamt Covid would be back to haunt us .. but it came back like a Tsunami .. sweeping Everyone who came in its way ..
One panic call from my friend made me realise how much his family is struggling to get a hospital bed for treatment with all the money n influence. It took me few hrs to get him admitted to an hospital.
Then we realised there must many who are struggling to get a treatment on time .. 
Initially we were just 3 Hands posting on our status asking if someone needs an Helping hand .. but God's Grace in a span of 10 days we had more than 250 Helping Hands offering their precious Time and Energy .. working day n night Helping more than 3000+ Souls Breath with timely ICUs, Ventilators, Oxygen Concentrators Ambulances and Medicines. 

It gives us immense Joy wen we see someone get back to normal and be with his Family ..

Helping Hands Team is all about Giving an Hand who needs it the most ...
God Bless U All .